
Last updated on August 24, 2020

Greetings, you dauntless traveller !

Welcome! Please make yourself at home…

You are now in my world. The travel. Expatriation. Cruise life. Yep, it’s just the topic of this blog.

To quickly navigate around the blog, I invite you to have a look on the menu at the top of this page and to click on the topic you are interested in.

I remind you very kindly that all articles, each sentence, each word, come from my thoughts, convictions, experiences, opinions, etc. They do not represent any global or all-powerful truth.

I kindly specify that each example (culture, country, event, etc.) iiiiiiiiiiiiis………an example! I do not generalize anything.

WTF is the name of your blog?


If you are a native English speaker, you already know the expression. If you are not, “Away with the fairies” is an expression, meaning you are “lost in thought”, “distracted” or “daydreaming”.
I slightly modified it to include you, and your dreams! (super nice isn’t it?)

Why writing? Why now?

Oh yeah, I see you coming. Write a blog? In 2020?? So 90′ ! Well… guess what… I was born in the 90′ !

This project was important to me and I wanted to do it for a while. But I didn’t have enough content and experience to build an opinion with helpful advice.

I was (and still am) lucky to travel and to expatriate. Several times. I have now this desire to share my experiences, my successes, my tough times, with others. I also feel a need in the young people and the students. I realized the social pressure on the students and graduates’ shoulders. They are looking for jobs and many of them required to speak an additional language (English is a must most of the time) and to already have an experience abroad. Then, surfing on social media, I discovered all these repetitive questions, sometimes stupid, about expatriation. So I concluded that the youngest generations were lost against this challenge.

With these stories and advice, my goal is to encourage and to guide the candidates for expatriation, but also to warn the most cheerful and reckless adventurers!

In addition, there is the hesitant people. Want to go but afraid of the unknown, or afraid to fail, to make a mistake. Want to go because want to free themselves from this pressure and to get over this international experience, without having the real desire to leave, even temporary, their native country. Or definitely want to go, to discover, but completely lost about the where? When? How? How long?

How to read it?

Just a short sentence to explain how to read this blog.
How is it made?

I would like each part to be independent from each other and to be read according to your expectations and your questions, without the need to read the entire blog. At least, I hope so. If this is not the case, I will be very grateful if you tell me about your comments!
Thus, each section describes a different topic and only bring details about this specific topic. If you read the entire blog, you will certainly find similarities.

The pages represents my past expatriation adventures. I tell you my stories when I moved to Ireland and to the UK.
I also wanted to guide fresh expatriates on how to choose a destination or how to succeed in their expatriation?
In addition, and this is more for European readers, I wanted to share the details of the European expatriation contract which could be an amazing first experience abroad!

The posts shares my current experience: the life of a crew member on board a cruise ship. This is often a mystery and I intend to answer all your questions and to give you an inside of this very particular environment 😉

My Goals

I really want to share my experiences as I love telling stories. I hope that these stories, successes, challenges, will help people, you, to make the right decisions about expatriation, or, at least, to put you on the right path.

Also, I would love to complete this blog with other expatriates’ experiences who wish to share their adventures with you. They will strengthen this guide, comparing different paths, completing the list of difficulties to deal with, helping you to make the right choices and to prepare yourself properly.

Quick clarification:
I am French and I write with my French point of view. You will notice I can compare situations with France or I can talk about difficulties French people meet. These difficulties or situations could be far from your concerns. If one situation I wrote is completely different in your country/culture, please let me know and we could add the differences you met. The opinion will then be stronger.

I use to speak English, but I don’t really write in English everyday. I try not to use Google Translate as it translates word by word only. So if you find any mistake, please let me know.

Thank you!

Happy reading my friend !


  • English
  • Français

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